Traffic in the Village – March update

Good news.  We have had the Speed Monitor for the past 15 months, but this morning it was transferred to Langley with Hardley where it will deploy for the next three months, coming back to Claxton on 1 July.

In March the Monitor was outside the Village Hall facing south towards Langley, Loddon etc.  This is what it recorded:

What does it show?  20% more traffic than in February and a slight rise in the percentage coming through within the speed limit.  1 in 5 came through at between 31-35MPH (the device does not allow for more precise measurements) but 5% (over 500) were in excess of 35MPH so pretty much ignored the speed limit signs.  And while the top speed was slightly lower, 84 drivers felt it was acceptable to come through at speeds over 40MPH.

The 15 cars in excess of 45MPH came through at a variety of times on various days, so once again no pattern.  Just slightly disappointing results.

The Community Speed Watch team has been in hibernation during the cold weather but you can expect to see them out in the village from this month onwards.

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