Speeding in the village – latest update

We had the shared SAM2 speed monitor in Claxton in September and October, and will retrieve it at the end of the year.  Unfortunately the device developed a small (hopefully minor) fault and reset its date to the 1970s!  We have just managed to extract the information it gathered which covers 36 days of September and October.  We are unable to identify which day is which but the data is still noteworthy.  The SAM was on the post outside the Village Hall, facing north towards Rockland in September, and south towards Loddon in October.  The data we have is shown in the table below.

What does it show?  That over 3 in 4 drivers drove through within the 30MPH speed limit, and that 96% were in or just over that limit.

Regrettably it also shows cars coming through at over 50MPH at 11.50am and at over 55MPH at 9.55am.  We are sorry we can’t identify the day of the week for either of these, but we will endeavour to check and correct the fault when the device comes back to us in about 6 weeks’ time.

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