Sunday’s Service (20th) and the week ahead

Dear All,

November weather has arrived!  I hope you’re keeping warm and well.

On Sunday (20th) the Church marks the end of its calendar year by celebrating the Feast of Christ the King.  At 9.30am there will be a Benefice Communion at Claxton.  Please note that the 11am service at Kirby Bedon has been cancelled.

This Monday sees the third Warm Welcome at the Barn.  Please feel free to drop in between 10am and 5pm for refreshments, lunches and good company.

The Church’s year begins again the following weekend.  On Advent Sunday (27th) there’s 11am Communion at Surlingham and 3.30pm Tree of Light at Rockland.  As Christmas approaches, you are warmly invited to join us in remembering a loved one and lighting up our Christmas tree.  If you are unable to attend but would like the name of a loved one to be written on star and added to the tree, please contact me or Helen.

Best wishes, Nick

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