Sunday services (24th), video and the week ahead

Dear All,

I hope you’re keeping well. Tomorrow looks like it’s going to be pretty warm but it’s almost always cooler in church!

This Sunday’s services (24th) are 9.30am Communion at Surlingham, 11am Morning Prayer at Rockland (followed by refreshments in the Barn) and to complete the day, traditional 4pm Evensong at Bramerton. 

Helen has made a video service centred on the Lord’s prayer that you can watch here – (link to external website)

Wednesday’s Art Cafe online (10.30am) continues our look at Modern Ukrainian artists and is the last meeting before the Summer shutdown. please contact me if you’d like a Zoom link. Art Cafe reopens its doors on September 14th.

On Saturday (30th) Eleven Says will be assembled and distributed at Bergh Apton Village Hall between 9am and 11am. All helpers welcome!

The following Sunday (31st) will be Group Summer Worship at Hellington Church at 11am, followed by a picnic if you’d like to stay on afterwards (please see attached Flyer). This will be the first time we’ve worshiped at Hellington for a number of years. Please contact me for further details.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who supported last Saturday’s Summer BBQ, which raised £155 for the Bishop’s Refugee Fund.

Best wishes,


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