VE Day 75th Anniversary, Friday 8 May 2020

This coming Friday marks 75 years since peace came to Europe after 6 years of war.  Before the Coronavirus crisis, plans were in place to have a village-wide celebration of this important event in our recent history, with a number of our older residents having been young children at the time.

The crisis has meant we have postponed these plans until at least November, when a celebration might be able to be held on or near Remembrance Day.  But that does not mean that individual families cannot celebrate in their own way.  This link click here contains a number of posters which can be printed off and put in windows, or given to children to colour in, on the day or before.  We hope some of you might take advantage of this and decorate windows with posters to record our appreciation of the sacrifice so many of our ancestors made so that we have been able to choose how we live ever since.

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