Speeding in the Village – January update

During the course of January the Parish Council reached agreement with its counterparts in Langley with Hardley (LwH) that we would keep the SAM2 speed monitor in Claxton until the end of May, at which point it will transfer to LwH for a 3-month deployment.  The main reason we are getting an extended benefit is that the LwH Councillors have not yet been trained in its use.  This will not happen soon enough for them to deploy for even part of the agreed period (December to February) so instead of the SAM2 bouncing between the two villages, we shall have it for longer than expected.

One benefit is that we are able to take readings from each of the 6 agreed locations.  At the end of February we are free to relocate it to one of the earlier posts, the exact position to be agreed nearer the time.

In the meantime we have downloaded the statistics for January and these are set out in the table below.Chart showing speeding percentages

Rather disappointingly the percentage of vehicles travelling above the legal limit of 30MPH has increased from just over 6% in December (631 vehicles) to over 37% in January (over 5,000 vehicles), even if 29.5% of those were in the “just above” bracket of 31-35MPH.  And the 26 vehicles in December which went through above 36MPH has now increased to a whopping 1,149, or 37 a day.

It is still the intention of the Parish Council to meet with LwH PC to discuss findings but clearly this cannot happen until they have some data to consider.  So the earliest this will happen is after LwH’s first deployment on 31 August.

Our regular Parish Council meetings will usually have this issue on the agenda.  If you have views and want to make them known, why not come along to a meeting?  The next one is on Wednesday 18 March at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

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