Speeding in the village – April 2023 update

The shared SAM2 speed monitor has just completed the first month of Langley with Hardley’s deployment, as they have still not been able to identify a volunteer to manage the device there.  Until they do, the monitor will remain in Claxton, and of course it will be deployed here from July to September as part of its routine schedule.  It is possible that we will end up keeping it for at least the first nine months of 2023.  Updates to this will appear on these pages.

The table below covers the period from 1-30 April, when the device was at The Warren facing towards Carleton St Peter and Loddon.

What does it show?  That more than 19 of every 20 drivers coming through the village from the south-west drove through within the 30MPH speed limit, and that >99% were in or just over that limit.  Both these figures are the best (ie the most positive) that we have ever recorded.

Just the one vehicle came through in excess of 40MPH, which happened just after 5pm on Friday 21 April.

This data may have been affected by April being the end of term for schools together with the Easter weekend.  The appearance in the village of our own fledgling Community Speed Watch team may also have contributed.  Either way it is a very good result, though not yet perfect!

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