• Minutes of Village Hall Annual General Meeting 2016


    Present: Julia Kaye, Robert Ellis, Sarah Carter, Mike Balmer, John Ford, Mary Button, Lesley Hamblin and Jo Bissonnet.

    The minutes of the last AGM (9/9/15), having been previously circulated, were read, agreed and signed.

    Chair’s Report

    Julia thanked all members of the committee for all their hard work over the past 12 months. Particular thanks to Sarah for all her secretarial duties, Robert for keeping the finances in order and all the little jobs that he takes care of, to Lesley for all her beautifully written items for the 11 Says, for John’s enthusiasm and fund raising ideas. To Mary for her catering expertise and help in the kitchen, Jo for conceiving and directing the photo competition. To Mike for all the practical and technological help and for being a fantastic Quizmaster once again. And finally to Jenny for keeping the hall so clean and welcoming.

    The upgrading of the toilets was completed, thanks to a grant, and they are much improved. There is now a baby changing facility.

    The Yoga class has proved popular on a Thursday afternoon and is set to continue after a summer break.

    In January the Community Cafe was launched. This has proved to be a wonderful success, attracting people from other villages as well as our own.

    The ‘joint venture’ with the Social Club – Race Night – was a great success and we are hoping to repeat the event next year.

    The Village Quiz this summer went very well, as usual, thanks to Mike.

    Our new event this year was a ‘Late Summer Fete’ which incorporated our photograph competition which was enjoyed by all.

    Treasurer’s Report

    This was distributed by Robert, who answered any questions. At present the accounts are well in credit.

    The accounts were accepted as a true record, and Robert was thanked for his hard work.

    At this point the existing committee retired for election of officers.

    Chair, Julia agreed to stand. Nominated by Mary, seconded by Mike.
    Treasurer, Robert agreed to stand. Nominated by Mike, seconded by John.
    Secretary, Sarah agreed to stand. Nominated by Lesley, seconded by Julia.
    Social Secretary, Lesley agreed to continue in this role.

    Meeting concluded at 8.10.

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