Background to the Pits Trust

Charity Number 243172 (see link at foot of page).

The Claxton Parish Pit Charity (the Pits Trust) was registered with the Charity Commissioners in July 1965.  Its origins date back to the Enclosure Acts when parishes were invested with properties which were for public benefit.  It was previously known as the “Poor’s Allotment” and “Poor’s Trust”.

The Trust has a number of assets from which it earns income and after meeting expenses ‘shall apply the income of the charity for any charitable purpose for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Claxton’.

The Trustees are the Claxton Parish Councillors and they have appointed an independent chair (David Bissonnet) to assist them in their duties.  There are three additional independent Trustees, Paul Carter (for St Andrew’s Church), Kevin Parker (on behalf of the South Yare Wildlife Group) and Mike Balmer.  Mike also acts as the Trust’s Treasurer.

The assets from which the Trust receives income include a house in the village which is let, Ducan’s Marsh (a site of Special Scientific Interest), and rental from the allotments which have been kindly made available by Claxton Manor Farm.  The Trustees seek to maintain this income by letting the assets and may sell where this furthers the Trust’s interests.

Rental from No 3 The Warren
Ducan’s Marsh – grazing and SSSI grant
A proportion of the income from the solar panels on the Village Hall roof.

The Trust’s expenses are small and members seek to minimise these, though periodic expenditure on maintenance of the properties is required.

Operating costs: Insurance, Professional fees, Rates (less than 5%)
Maintenance of properties
Grants and support – limited calls but always listening.

The income has been used in a number of ways including support to the Village Hall and the Church, as well as to individuals who are in need.  Charity Commission guidance stresses that any assistance to individuals should not conflict with other support systems from the state or local authorities.  On this basis support has been given in cases such as financial hardship following illness and educational support, for example.

Full details can be examined on the Charities Commission website at

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