• Village Hall 2018 AGM Minutes


    Present: Julia Kaye, Lesley Hamblin, Mike Balmer, Sarah Carter, Robert Ellis, Mary Button, John Ford, Rosie Gidlow and Andrew Mussell.

    Apologies: Jo Bissonnet

    Others present: Pat Clare

    The minutes of last AGM held on 20th July 2017, having been previously circulated, were read, agreed and signed.

    Chair’s Report

    Julia began by thanking fellow officers Lesley and Mike for their work. She also thanked all the other committee members who have helped the Village Hall in so many ways during the past year. She thanked Jo who has taken over the bookings and introduced an online system which can be accessed by all committee members. Special thanks were given to David Bissonnet who has guided and advised us through a difficult time of refurbishment. The past year has concentrated on this refurbishment to hopefully bring the hall up to standard and make it one of the best in the district. She welcomed new members Rosie Gidlow and Andrew Mussell who joined the committee at the beginning of the year. Sam, our new cleaner began work a few months ago and is doing a great job.

    Julia went on to report that this year we have installed a CO2 detector and updated the fire alarm system. We have had a full electrical report and a health and safety report has been carried out and we will be implementing their recommendations when finances allow. An asbestos survey showed no problems. The hall has been revalued and is now well insured. Acoustic panels have been installed, part funded by a donation from the Fair on the Yare. Hopefully these will improve the previously poor acoustics. Further improvements will be made as and when we are able.

    Jo Bissonnet has been running an Art Class on a Monday morning which is very popular, but unfortunately has had to be postponed until Jo is in better health. Mike is running a computer class on Wednesday mornings which Julia reported has been very helpful. Yoga sessions on a Thursday morning with Caroline continue to be enjoyed. The Community Café continues to be held on the second Tuesday of every month and is proving to be a good way of village networking. The Social Club meets every Friday evening and also the last Saturday evening of every month.

    In September a Macmillan Coffee morning was held where photographs of the two villages were displayed and the most popular chosen for the calendar which was sold to raise funds for the hall. Mike has set up a 200 club with currently 56 numbers sold. The draw takes place monthly at the Community Café, with the first one in May. Rosie, Lesley, Andrew and Mike produced a questionnaire which was delivered to every property in the two villages. We had hoped for some useful feedback to find out what people want from the Village Hall, but the response has been very disappointing. Last month the annual quiz was held which raised almost £500. Julia thanked quizmaster Mike.

    Julia reported that bookings have been a little down, but hopefully this will improve.

    Treasurer’s Report

    The full (unaudited) Financial Statement for the year as well as complete Bank and Cash Transaction Sheets have been sent to all Trustees.

    We started the year with a balance (Bank and Cash) of £4,054.25 as well as £5,371.21 in our Savings and Improvement accounts, making an overall balance of £9,425.46.

    Aside from normal/regular expenditure in the year we have spent almost £4,200 on “one-off” items, as follows:

    Hall Revaluation Report £ 510.00
    Fire Safety Report £ 361.70
    Asbestos Survey £ 492.00
    Acoustic Panels £ 2,834.53
    TOTAL £ 4,198.23

    It is therefore pretty remarkable that at 31 May we ended the year with an overall balance of £6,625.46, made up of the following elements:

    Current Account £ 889.36
    Unpresented cheques £ 0.00
    Unbanked receipts £ 0.00
    Savings Account £ 4,000.00
    Improvements Account £ 1,000.00
    200 Club Account £ 609.00
    Cash £ 127.10
    TOTAL £ 6,625.46

    However the total in the new 200 Club account (above) is slightly misleading as the lottery year runs from April to March the next year, and cuts across two Hall financial years. We’ve paid one prize of £26 in the year and £291.50 from the above balance will go in prize money, with £317.50 going to the Hall.

    That indicates an in-year surplus of £1,106.73 (£6,625.46 + £4,198.23 – £9,425.46 – £291.50).

    In advance of meetings every Trustee receives an updated Financial Statement and Transactions List so that Trustees can ask for any clarification.

    We took out Silver membership of Community Action Norfolk this year at a cost of £50. That outlay not only gave us a discount of over £100 on our insurance, but also gave us free access to their series of Village Hall Information Sheets. We so far have 19 of these downloaded and available for Trustees to see. We now have an online Dropbox storage account for the Hall, to which have been uploaded the Information Sheets and a sizeable amount of financial and management information.

    Staying on online issues we have also set up an online Bookings Calendar which Jo uses regularly and which also serves as a maintenance schedule going forward. It is checked regularly and other Trustees find it useful to be able to check on bookings and availability at any time.

    At this point the committee stepped down for the Election of Officers.

    Chair, Julia was proposed by Sarah and seconded by Lesley.
    Treasurer, Mike was proposed by Julia and seconded by Robert.
    Secretary, Lesley was proposed by Sarah and seconded by Julia.

    The rest of the committee remained in place.

    Meeting closed at 7.45.

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