Village Hall Questionnaire – Your chance to HAVE A SAY

In the coming days the Trustees of the Village Hall will be putting a short questionnaire through every letterbox in Claxton and Carleton St Peter.  They are anxious to learn from you all what you would like your Village Hall to be providing for both villages.  The questionnaire should not take more than 5 minutes to complete.  A copy in PDF format is shown below – please note it is double-sided so just click on the arrow at the bottom left to go to page 2.  Anyone who would prefer to complete it on their computer and e-mail it back can use the attached Word document here.

Any questions to any of the 10 current Trustees, whose details are shown on page 2.  Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible.Village Hall Questionnaire v3 8Apr-min

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