Minutes of Annual Meeting of Parish Council on 17 May 2017

Meeting held on Wednesday 17 May 2017 in Claxton Village Hall at 8.36pm.

In attendance:  Mrs Pat Clare (Chair, presiding), Mrs Mary Button, Mr David Hamblin, Mr Jason Cantrill and Ms Sarah Kennedy (Councillors) and Mr Mike Balmer (Clerk).  Also attending:  9 Parishioners.

17.35 Approved absences – none.

17.36 Election of chairperson
There being no other candidates Pat Clare confirmed that she would stand again as Chairman, and there being no other nominations, this was seconded by David Hamblin.  Pat Clare also proposed that David Hamblin should be re-elected as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mary Button.  Both Declarations of Office were signed and witnessed by the Proper Officer.

17.37 Appointment of Representatives – the following were agreed for the next year:

Village Hall liaison – Mary Button
Church/churchyard – Paul Carter
Allotments – Pat Clare
Tree Warden – Sarah Carter and (to be confirmed) Ian Cummings
Footpaths and Green – Julia Kaye and Helen Balmer
Notice board – Clerk
Parish Plan and Pits Trust – All Councillors
Website – Clerk

17.38 Declarations of Interest

There were none.

17.39 Minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2017
The minutes of the above meeting, which had been circulated beforehand and placed on the notice board and website, were approved and signed.

17.40 Parishioners’ Questions
A parishioner asked whether, in the event a replacement tree was planted at the front of the Village Hall, some recognition of the contribution made by the late Linda Clitheroe could be associated with it.  This was received positively by the Parish Council.

17.41 Community Governance Review
The deadline for comments by Parish Councils and the public had been put back a month, to 12 July, because of the general election.  The Clerk explained that Councils and the public were being asked to complete a short online survey saying what they thought of their local Councils and making any suggestions for the future structure, including expansion or being merged with another Council.  The relevant links were on the website.  The Councillors agreed that the Clerk should send round a draft reply for agreement or change, to be agreed and submitted before the 12 July deadline.

17.42   Audit Commission Annual Return
The Clerk had sent advance electronic copies of the Return to all Councillors but had forgotten to bring the actual paper copy with him to the meeting.  As it had to be dispatched before the next meeting the Council agreed to approve the Return which would be signed after the meeting by the Chair and the Clerk.

17.43   CPRE request regarding development sites
CPRE was asking Parish Councils to sign their pledge demanding that all existing development sites be built on before new ones were identified.  A short discussion indicated that none of the Councillors were in favour of signing and the Clerk was asked to respond to CPRE declining their invitation.

17.44   Possible alternative footpath round Claxton Corner
It was confirmed that the land in question belonged to Claxton Manor Estate.  The owner had been approached with a request that he allow it to be used as a permissive path but he had declined to give his permission.  There was evident disappointment at this news.  However given that it is private land without any historical patterns of use as a footpath there was nothing further to be done.

17.45   Planning Matters
A recent application to erect a building on farm land off Folly Lane had been withdrawn a few days earlier.  There were no further applications.

17.46 Finance
A detailed financial statement had been made available to Councillors and parishioners alike, and Councillors had seen the complete list of proposed payments well in advance, so there were no surprises.

a) The bank balance at 17 May is £4,869.58. The Budget/Financial Report has been circulated separately.
b) Receipts – 3. First half of 2017-18 Precept and Council Tax Support Scheme Grant totalling £2,089.50. Refund of 2016-17 VAT – £372.06.  Claxton Mill Residents Association Soakaway Licence 2017-18 – £85.21.
c) Grants – none.
d) Payments

On a proposal from Pat Clare, seconded by David Hamblin, the schedule was approved for payment, and cheques signed.  There was also an expected payment to Norfolk ALC for Sarah Kennedy’s training course on 26 May but no invoice had been received so approval could not be given.

17.47   Report from Clerk
The Clerk reported that he had chased up Highways re Staines Barns encroachment but to no avail, had contacted RSM Clerk re a conservation area around Hellington Beck and been told there were no current plans, had contacted County re bus service proposals and helped get a change to the midday service introduced from 18 April.  He had informed both tenderers of outcome of tree work tender, and the tree has now been cut down, and had identified a training course for Sarah Kennedy and liaised with SNC over her appointment.

17.48 Correspondence
The Clerk tabled a short list of correspondence which had been circulated to Councillors or received prior to the meeting.  Items included:

  • NDR updates
  • Norfolk ALC Weekly updates and Training Programme for 2017
  • Community Action Norfolk April and May Newsletters
  • Clerks and Councils Direct April and May 2017

17.49   Items for next Agenda

The next meeting is on 12 July 2017 but neither the Chair nor the Vice-Chair can make it.  If the remaining 3 Councillors are available, it will go ahead as planned (NOW CONFIRMED).

Dates of remaining meetings in 2017
Wednesday 13 September – Regular Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 15 November – Regular Parish Council Meeting

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.


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