• Know before you throw – new film to encourage recycling

    Ever found yourself wondering exactly what you can recycle? Watch a new video to find out what you can and can’t take to recycling centres, and the other services available while you are there.

    Norfolk County Council has produced a short film to promote our recycling centre service. The principal message is to encourage residents to reuse and recycle as much of their household waste as possible, thereby helping the council to save money on waste disposal.

    The film encourages people to sort their reuse and recycling items in advance of their visit, to place their items in the correct containers when they arrive on site and to ask for staff for assistance if required.  Just click below.

  • Wildlife Photographic Competition

  • EU Referendum results

    It is reasonable to imagine that the majority of people in the UK are now aware that yesterday the UK voted to leave the European Union, by a margin of just over 1.2 million votes.  The national result 51.9% Leave versus 48.1% Remain was also almost exactly mirrored by South Norfolk whose result is shown (courtesy of the BBC) in the graphic below.  The turnout in South Norfolk – 78.5% – was also the highest throughout Norfolk.sn ref

    In fact the whole of Norfolk, with the sole exception of the City of Norwich, voted to leave the EU, as did the overwhelming majority of voting regions in the rest of East Anglia.

  • Ducan’s Marsh Open Day – early photographs


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