Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 16 November 2011

In attendance: Mrs P.Clare (Chair), Mrs M.Button, Ms M.Comley, Mr A. Ives, Mr P.Wright, and Mr. B Ansell (Clerk).   Also attending Mr. A. Gunson (County Councillor) & 12 parishioners.   Apologies Mr D.Blake (District Councillor).

11.59 Declarations of Interest – Mr P. Wright declared an interest in planning matters as a neighbour to the proposed sites.

11.60 Presentation – Community projects – fundraising.
Armana Handley – Neighbourhood Officer for the Eastern Rivers Valley gave a presentation on community funding thus increasing the chances of funding specific projects that the Parish supports. In her address she emphasised the need for a clear project plan; written evidence of support from the wider community; clear delivery plans, future supported funding; 3 quotes for capital buildings, and skills and experience on both the project team and on a fully constituted Committee. Ideally the Committee and Team would have been in place and have completed the “ground works of a proposal” prior to making any submissions for funding. Sources of funding were discussed although it was unclear whether WREN was still available to provide funding for Claxton projects. The Chairman thanked Ms Handley for her clear and concise presentation.
Representatives from the Rockland St Mary Green Lane Playing Field Committee spoke on their proposal for a Skate board park and other facilities for the older children at Green Lane, and hoped to elicit wider support from neighbouring villages in order to apply for funding. The Parish Council gave them their backing but was unlikely to provide financial support.

11.61 Minutes.
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st September 2011, which had been circulated, were approved and signed.

11.62 Matters arising
a, Grit Bin –. Salt/grit had been ordered from Highways and would be delivered from November.
b, Land Registry – Village Hall and Site. The Clerk had been handed an envelope containing the deeds to both Village Hall and Site at the commencement of this Meeting.
c, Recycling Centre at Bergh Apton – It was noted that an application from NCC to extend the life of the Centre at Bergh Apton would now be submitted in February 2012.. The Clerk would inquire the reason for the delay.
d, Web Site – Alan Ives & Chris Barker had set up the “Claxton Village Web site” @ http:/ claxtonpc.norfolkparishes.gov.uk and would continue to progress this matter to identify possible “web managers” within the village to assume responsibility for the various “pages” over the next few months. It was noted that no one had yet come forward but a number of parishioners at the meeting expressed interest if Alan Ives would arrange an introduction /training which he confirmed he would do.
e, Notice Board at The Warren – Parish Council notices were now placed on the Notice Board at the Village Hall. Mary Button noted that others within the village still intended to replace the notice board at The Warren – the original Board had been left for Village notices at the request of parishioners, and it was suggested that the spare notice board now be used to replace the old one at the Church.
f, Speeding – the Speed Awareness Monitor (SAM) had been installed for 6 weeks in the village and apart from indicating speeds above the limit also recorded them for future analysis by the police.

11.63 Parishioners Questions
Parishioners’ Christmas Gifts – It was noted that these had been suspended on advice from the Charity Commissioners by the Pit Trust some years past, however any application from both young or old in need would be considered by the Pit Trust Trustees.

11.64 District Councillors Report – Apologies given by the Clerk.

11.65 County Councillors Report –
Adrian Gunson’s report noted the appearance of the speed activated signs to show speeds of cars within the Village and also slow motorists to 30mph The potholes on Church Lane had also been attended to.. The “fair fares” campaign by NCC to provide additional funding of the concessionary fares was raised as the costs could impact by reducing the regular services. Libraries were also looking for volunteers at both Poringland & Loddon Libraries.

11.66 Correspondence
The Clerk tabled a short list of correspondence which had been circulated to Councillors or received prior to the meeting. Items included
Clerks & Councils Direct
NALC – Executive committee – membership
The Queens Diamond Jubilee – Beacons
Norfolk Link/ Signpost
NCC – Year Book
SNDC – withdrawal of free dog waste bags.

11.67 Planning-
Consultation with Parish Council
2011/1645(amended) Mr J. Fiander No 1 Staines Farm Barns–Single storey extension –kitchen & living space
2011/ 1781 Mr G. Hopkins No 2 Staines Barns – conversion of Agricultural building to Residential.
On both these applications, the Parish Council considered that the original application for the conversion of the barns had been submitted and approved in 2003 but the Barns have slowly deteriorated since that time compounded by errors made by the earlier Contractors. No attempt to restart the works had yet recommenced and applications based on the 2003 original submission have failed to note that parts of the building are no longer in existence. The destruction of the Barns has now reached that point when it is the considered view of the Parish Council that demolition is the preferred option. The Parish Council therefore would “Object” to the approval of these applications on the grounds that the Barns are no longer sustainable.

11.68 Finance
a, Balance at 14/11/11- £3520-69
b, Receipts – SNDC Precept £2000
c, Grants – Application for Grant for the churchyard was tabled. On a proposal from Alan Ives, supported by Mary Button, a Grant of £500-00 was approved.
d, Payment
100200 B. Ansell Clerks Sal/admin (Oct/Nov) £319-54
100201 A. Ives Web Site Training £25-00
100202 HMRC PAYE £71-60
100203 Claxton PCC Grant for Churchyard £500-00
On a proposal from Pat Clare, seconded by Mary Button, the schedule was approved for payment
Banking Signatories – It was noted that it had been resolved that Alan Ives, Patricia Clare & Paul Wright would be the signatories for the Barclays Community Current Account and for 2 of the 3 signatories to authorise Cheques..
e, Out turn, Budget & Precept.
The Clerk tabled a copy of the Receipts & Payments showing income & expenditure to date and that to come prior to 31st March 2012. Expenditure was above Income but the Council would remain in surplus at year end. For the Budget expenditure would follow a similar pattern next year although registering parish assets would increase costs. Salaries had remained frozen this year and would continue next year. For the PRECEPT it was proposed by Pat Clare, seconded by Alan Ives, to retain the precept at £4000-00 for 2012/13. Both Chair & Clerk completed the preceptor’s authorisation.

11.69 Parish Land & Property
Trees at The Warren –The Claxton Green landscape plan – was tabled and Alan Ives explained both the thinking and design behind the proposals.
The removal of some trees and their replacements would be discussed with SNDC’s Landscape Officer – Robin Taylor. The position of the proposed “Village Sign” and new Notice board, and the possible retention of the Telephone Box, would require further consultation
Village Sign – The Chairman noted that parishioner’s views had been sought at “The Fair on the Yare” with 4 suggestions being received including 2 full designs, and 2 design briefs to be covered within an overall design, for a Village Sign for Claxton. A design had now been chosen and the working Party would progress the proposals for presentation to the Council at a future date.
Jubilee party – The possibility of holding a Summer Party had yet to be discussed with the Village Hall Committee.
Highway Rangers – NCC Highway mobile works team would appear to have missed visiting the Village but a list of works e.g. potholes / signs requiring attention etc was being compiled by the Chairman – additions welcome.
Tree wardens – It was noted that Sarah Carter and Ian Cummings had applied to be Joint Tree Wardens – Alan Ives would pass them the paperwork.

11.70 Date of next meeting Wednesday 18th January 2012

Proposed Dates
2012 Dates 18/01, 21/03, 16/05, 25/07(nb change) 19/09, 21/11, & APM – 18/04
Meeting closed at 21-23hrs

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