Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 21 September 2011

In attendance: Mrs P. Clare (Chair), Mrs M. Button, Mr A. Ives, and Mr. B Ansell (Clerk).   Also attending Mr. A. Gunson (County Councillor) & 7 parishioners.   Apologies Ms M. Comley, Mr P. Wright, Mr D. Blake (District Councillor).

11.48 Declarations of Interest –None

11.49 Minutes.
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th July 2011, which had been circulated, were approved and signed.

11.50 Matters arising
a, Grit Bin –. Salt/grit had been ordered from Highways and would be delivered from November.

b, Land Registry – Village Hall and Site.The Clerk was progressing the search for the Deeds for the land & the Hall, and had written to Nat West (the former Westminster Bank in London Street Norwich) where the Deeds had been deposited in 1947 according to the Minute Book. A joint approach to include both Pit Trust and Parochial Church Council land holdings for registration was suggested.

c, Recycling Centre at Bergh Apton – It was noted that an application from NCC to extend the life of the Centre at Bergh Apton would be submitted in January 2012.. The Clerk had written to object to that statement in the Waste & Minerals Report to close the Bergh Apton Site. It was noted that any closure would rebound on SNDC who would pick up the cost of “Fly- tipping”. A review of progress would be held in November.

d, Web Site – Alan Ives & Chris Barker had set up the “Claxton Village Web site” @ http:/ claxtonpc.norfolkparishes.gov.uk and would continue to progress this matter to identify possible “web managers” within the village to assume responsibility for the various “pages” over the next few months. No one had yet come forward so Alan Ives would continue as the Contact. Both were thanked for their help in getting this important project off the ground.

11.51 Parishioners Questions
Notice Board at The Warren – Parish Council notices were now placed on the Notice Board at the Village Hall. Whilst it had been noted that others within the village had intended to replace the notice board at The Warren the original Board had been left for Village notices at the request of parishioners, but it was thought, it was overdue to be replaced by a new notice board. It was suggested that a “gifted” notice board be used to replace the old one until such time as the replacement was ready .

Speeding – Cars were still speeding in The Street. Both Pat Clare & Mary Button had registered to attend a NCC Course on use of the Speed Awareness Monitor (SAM) but had not yet been notified of the dates.

A further discussion on Speeding issues was proposed at the conclusion of this meeting but as there appeared to be only limited interest, the meeting was closed.

11.52 District Councillors Report – Apologies given by the Clerk.

11.53 County Councillors Report –
Adrian Gunson’s report noted the good results at Hobart School this summer; He reiterated that The Street to Claxton Corner was to be surface dressed, and other roads around Hellington and between Langley & Hardley were also to be done; and the white lines at Claxton Corner had been replaced. A parishioner noted that some of the “repaired” potholes on Church Lane were already breaking down.

The problems at Loddon of additional housing, moving the doctors surgery, and parking in George Lane were noted. Finally improvements to Broadband which were to be funded by NCC were noted but parishioners and councillors questioned whether Claxton would be included in the proposed sites to be funded.

A suggestion of a petition was proposed by the Chairman but was felt to have little effect on the County Council.

11.54 Correspondence
The Clerk tabled a short list of correspondence which had been circulated to Councillors or received prior to the meeting. Items included

SNDC LDF Site Specfic Consultations ( also received notification of Broadland DC & Broads Authority LDF Consultations).
Clerks & Councils Direct
NALC – Norfolk Link, AGM 1st October @ East Tuddenham.
NALC –Free training 14th September – attended by Pat Clare and Mary Button.
Saffron Housing –Tour of properties 10th October – Councillors invited.
Amazon Leisure – Community Gyms.

11.55 Planning- SNDC Approvals
2011/0939 Approve Mr & Mrs Moar Staines Farm Cottage –Single storey extension.

LDF – Sites for Housing had been put forward in Claxton & Carleton St Peter (Plans were tabled) and were discussed but felt to be unsuitable for housing either because of flooding or outside of village boundaries. The proximity of sites at Ashby and Rockland were noted but were unlikely to affect Claxton or its parishioners. An exhibition of the proposals was being held in various locations across South Norfolk including Loddon Library on 28th October between 3-7pm. Parishioners could comment on all sites & in all locations during the Consultation Period.

11.56 Finance
a, Balance at 12/08/11- £2318-74
b, Receipts – None
c, Grants – None
d, Payment
100196     B. Ansell              Clerks Sal/admin (Aug Sept)           £337-57
100197               HMRC                           Admin                                  £143-20
100198     Norse Commercial         Grass cutting                                     £173-28
100199     Mazars                           External Audit                         £144-00

On a proposal from Pat Clare, seconded by Mary Button, the schedule was approved for payment

Statement of Accounts 2010/11
The Accounts had been approved. The Auditors had suggested that written confirmation should be received from HMRC on transactions involving repayments of VAT on Pit Trust Properties.

Banking Signatories – It was noted that it had been resolved that Marjorie Comley, Patricia Clare & Paul Wright would be the signatories for the Barclays Community Current Account and for 2 of the 3 signatories to authorise Cheques. However noting the absence of Marjorie Comley at some meetings of the Council, it was suggested that Alan Ives might replace her as a signatory.

    11.57 Parish Land & Property

Trees at The Warren – landscape plan – not yet ready.

Village Sign – The Chairman noted that parishioner’s views had been sought at “The Fair on the Yare” with 4 suggestions being received including 2 full designs, and 2 design briefs to be covered within an overall design, for a Village Sign for Claxton. It was hoped that a working Party to progress the proposals would use the ideas as part of the wider discussion on the funding, proposed site, and chosen design.

Jubilee party – The possibility of holding a Summer Party would be discussed with the Village Hall committee.

Highway Rangers – NCC Highway mobile works team would be visiting the Village and a list of works e.g. potholes / signs requiring attention etc is being compiled by the Chairman – additions welcome.

11.58 Date of next meeting Wednesday 16th November 2011
2011 DATES 19/01, 16/03, 18/05, 20/07, 21/09, 16/11, &APM-20/04
Proposed Dates
2012 Dates 18/01, 21/03, 16/05, 25/07(nb change) 19/09, 21/11, & APM – 18/04

Meeting closed at 20-43hrs

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