Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 20 July 2011

In attendance: Mrs P.Clare (Chair), Mrs M.Button, Mr A. Ives, Mr P.Wright and Mr. B Ansell (Clerk).   Also attending Mr. A. Gunson (County Councillor) & 11 parishioners.   Apologies Ms M.Comley, Mr D.Blake (District Councillor).

11.37 Declarations of Interest –None

11.38 Minutes.
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th May 2011, which had been circulated, were approved and signed.

11.39 Matters arising
a, Allotments-Five allotments had been created and three have been taken. Water is available..
b, Grit Bin –The Chairman had liaised with Mrs Ford to establish the site before seeking Highways confirmation & approval. Salt/grit would be ordered from Highways.
Land Registry – Village Hall and Site. Clerk was progressing the Deeds for the land, the Hall, and would research the question of “registering”.
Libraries – A response noting the reduction in hours at Poringland & Loddon libraries had been received.
Recycling Centre at Bergh Apton – It was noted that an application from NCC to extend the life of the Centre at Bergh Apton would be submitted in January2012. The recent Minerals & Waste Report out for Consultation suggested that the Centre would not be retained. It was agreed to object to that statement. It was noted that any closure would rebound on SNDC who would pick up the cost of “Fly- tipping”
Web Site – Alan Ives & Chris Barker had set up the “Claxton Village Web site” @ http:/ claxtonpc.norfolkparishes.gov.uk and would continue to progress this matter to identify possible “web managers” within the Village to assume responsibility for the various “pages” over the next few months. Alan Ives would continue as the Contact. Both were thanked for their help in getting this important project off the ground.

11.40 Parishioners Questions
Over grown hedges – at Claxton Corner and Folly Lane would be drawn to the attention of landowners.
Notice Board at The Warren – Parish Council notices were now placed on the Notice Board at the Village Hall. The Board had been left for Village notices at the request of parishioners and, it was thought, was due to be replaced by a notice board under construction.
Speeding – Cars were still speeding in The Street. Both Pat Clare & Mary Button hoped to attend a NCC Course on use of the Speed Awareness Monitor (SAM).

11.41 District Councillors Report – Absent.

11.42 County Councillors Report –
Adrian Gunson’s update reiterated that The Street to Claxton Corner was to be surface dressed, and other roads around Hellington and between Langley & Hardley were also to be done. Finally the “passing places” agreed as part of the planning approval for Claxton House would be installed on Mill Road & Green Road but not the Hellington Hill road from the A146; Finally the Hobart Swimming Pool was now complete and he had opened it in June; and footpaths would now only receive a single annual cut next year with NCC concentrating on National Trail paths and The Broads Authority withdrawing altogether from cutting riverside paths.
In response to concerns of parishioners following a road accident and closure of the A146 when a significant amount of traffic had been diverted via minor lanes around the Village creating “snarl ups” and danger to walkers & parishioners exposed to the traffic, it was questioned whether a ”traffic contingency plan” should be held by the Highways and/or Police to cope with such incidents which were becoming more frequent.
Roland Kaye suggested that redefinitions of some of the minor roads around the Village, together with a reduced speed limit of 20mph, could remove some of the passing traffic particularly the “rat runs”. It was suggested that a meeting of parishioners could be held to discuss these matters.

11.43 Correspondence
The Clerk tabled a short list of correspondence which had been circulated to Councillors or received prior to the meeting. Items included:
NCC – Minerals & Waste Policy
Clerks & Councils Direct
NALC – Summer Picnic 27th July
NALC –Free training 14th September
NALC – Executive Committee – Elections – 4 nominees.
NCC /Others – Incinerator at Kings Lynn saddlebow
SNDC – Summer Arts festival / Review of Polling Stations
NCC – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2-5th June 2012 – Celebrations??

11.44 Planning- SNDC Consultation with Parish Council.
2011/0939 Approve Mr & Mrs Moar Staines Farm Cottage –Single storey extension.

11.45 Finance
a, Balance at 15/06/11- £2873-67
b, Receipts – None
c, Grants – Request from Fair on the Yare for Grant to cover cost of Public Liability Insurance of £231-08
d, Payment
100194 B. Ansell Clerks Sal/admin £323-85
100195 Fair on Yare Grant £231-08

On a proposal from Paul Wright, seconded by Mary Button, the schedule was approved for payment

e, Banking Signatories – It was noted that it had been resolved that Marjorie Comley, Patricia Clare & Paul Wright would be the signatories for the Barclays Community Current Account and for 2 of the 3 signatories to authorise Cheques

11.46 Parish Land & Property.
Trees– Alan Ives had circulated a report covering diseased trees at The Warren and at the front of the Village Hall which would require attention in due course. He felt that the opportunity of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee gave the Village the options of replacing both trees as part of that celebration. A landscape plan could broaden the options..
Village Sign – The Chairman tabled her thoughts with a view to seeking a Village Sign for Claxton as part of the wider discussion on the Celebrations and would seek parishioner’s views at the Fair on the Yare.
Jubilee party – The possibility of holding a Summer Party would be discussed with the Village Hall committee.
Dog Fouling – Notices alerting Parishioners to SNDC Bylaws would be placed around the Village. A review of the position of the dog waste bin currently at the Village Hall might also be considered.
Highway Rangers – NCC highway mobile works team would be visiting the Village and a list of works e.g. potholes / signs requiring attention etc is to be compiled by the Chairman – additions welcome.

11.47 Date of next meeting Wednesday 21st September 2011

2011DATES 19/01, 16/03, 18/05, 20/07, 21/09, 16/11, &APM-20/04
Meeting closed at 21-14hrs

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